Inhaltsverzeichnis/Contents Vorwortdes Landrates 1 Foreword by theDistrictAdministrator 3 Inserentenverzeichnis 4 List of Advertisers 4 DerLandkreisGörlitz –Zahlenund Fakten 6 Factsand Figuresabout theDistrictofGörlitz 6 DerLandkreisGörlitz –Wirtschaftsstandortmit Tradition 10 TheDistrictofGörlitz –ABusinessRegionSteeped in Tradition 10 Bildungsstandort–engagiert in dieZukunft 20 EducationCentre–Involved in theFuture 20 Vielfalt entlangder Neiße 24 Varietyalong theRiver Neisse 24 Foto Titelseite: Zittauer Schmalspurbahn, Foto SOEG 2
Foreword by theDistrictAdministrator Welcome tothe District of Görlitz! The purpose of this brochure is to introduce you tothe exciting business opportunities that excist within the District of Görlitz, and togalvanise your interest inour quickly developing and excellent situated region. Whether you are visiting the area onbusiness orasa private guest, you will discover abeautiful region with open-minded people, who love their birthplace and who are making every effort topreserve and develop it. The District ofGörlitz is acenturies-old, organically developedindustriallocation, whichwas forced to endure the drastic upheavals caused by two world wars and the subsequent political turmoil. Hundreds ofjobs were lost in thewakeofthe structuraltransformationthatfollowed this dramatic change. Nevertheless, since the 1990s, the region has done its utmost to preserve the existing businesses and, above all, it hasmadeconsiderable efforts to invite small and medium enterprises. Commercial and industrial parkshavebeencreatedthroughoutthe region, excellent infrastructures developed, awide range of leisure and holiday facilities created, and medical care provided at all locations. Young academics studying at the Zittau/Görlitz University ofApplied Sciences and the InternationalInstituteofHigherEducationinZittauenjoy optimum training for their professional future District of Görlitzissituatedinthe triple border regionofGermany, Poland and the Czech Republic, alocation onthe main trading route ofEurope, Via Regia, that now allows it to enjoy special development potential. Bernd Lange Landrat/Head ofthe District Authority This brochure presentsanumberofcompaniesthathave been enjoying success in the District for decades and several that are new here. The feature that they all have in common is that they have chosen to operate in this region and have created vital jobs for our people. Their names stand for the business region ofGörlitz, and we are grateful tothem. The brochure also contains advice and suggestions on typesofeconomic activity, settingupbusinesses, andhow to make best useofthe wide rangeofeconomic potential and excellent living standards here. You will also find some important facts and the names of some contacts. We are extremelyinterested in continuing to developthe business region ofGörlitz. Come and join us–welook forward toworking with you! 3